a quick updates:-
attended QiuYun's wedding dinner last Friday
For the first time, we are so late till the bride called us up..
all becos of the Orchard Jam.. plus the taxi uncle.. I think he got hearing problem.. Cuscaden Road hear until cavengh road or dont know what road.. whateevr it is.. that uncle just went the wrong way. reached only ard 9pm I think.
QY is so pretty that night.. =D
plus Kelly's little niece is so cute =D
*With the Beautiful Bride, QY*

*little sweet Chloe*

Home Sweet Home at 12plus am and imagine I have to wake for at 5.30am on Saturday for company's TeamBuilding... @ East Coast... Woke but late but managed to catch the 7.20am chartered bus.. A Fun-filled day though muscle ache the next day.. =D
My first time in life building a sand castle... keke..
not very professional but still a nice wan..of cos with the rest of the team.. together we built it. hee

*Team Pic*

More pics to come when recieve the rest from another colleague.
Meet dar at Bugis for dinner after Team Building. Dinner @ Shokudo.
Yummy nice. dar fall in love with the curry chicken Omu rice while I spicy soup with udon. I love their Yuze tea. refreshing

*YuZe Tea*

*Grilled Chicken curry Omu Rice*

*Spicy Soup Udon*

Slacked the whole day at home on sunday.. due to the body muscle ache...
Lunch at PS, Cafe Cartel before heading home yesterday.
Dar beginning to like this place.. cos of the big serving..