It has been afew days into year 2008 and things doesnt really moving into a better situation at work. It is still remains the same.. and should i say it's getting from bad to worse. =( Have not been catching up with alots of friends.
A brand new year with no new year resolutions. No expectations. Maybe i should think of one now.
A summary of what happen between christmas till now..
Basically nothing special last xmas. simple xmas for me. Gathered at Ryan's house for steamboat and slack all the way after dinner till time for home sweet home. lolz.
Spent the new year eve at vivocity. managed to leave office at 6pm. supposely can leave at 5pm. dar suggested that we go mount faber but i choose to go vivocity. how stupid of me. the fireworks is at mount faber lo... which is jus oppsite of dar's hose. (-_-")... in the end, we only can watch the fireworks from vivo and so far lo. lolz.
*this is what i can get.. a small fireworks pic*
headed back to dar's place after the fireworks. had a small special celebration on new year day. dar planned everything. caught Alien vs Predator 2 at The Cathay, our first meeting place. hee... so coincidence that we meet mervin and jieling there also watching the same movie. went cineleisure walk ard and took photos at the pretty tokyo..
Dinner at Fish and co, The glass house in the evening with Michelle, Mervin, Jieling and Ryan.
Ended our day at Jap1, a pub in boat quay. dar actually tot wanna go to another pub... the pub where we first meet.
Took 2hrs time off to leave for dar's Navy Dinner and Dance on 02 Jan 08. And this is what happen in the office when i took my time off... work gets snowball and no helps from other. =( anw, i enjoyed the d&d with dar.
seriously, i hope that working life will get better this year.
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