been busy over the past three days..
last saturady suppose to kock off at 1.15pm but i end up leaving office at 3pm.. -_-"
here are summary of my weekend..
Sat: went to meet dar at PS after work.. had light snack at Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe..
bought my self a perfume from mark and spencer and some bodyshop item at the roadshow at PS. Rented 射雕英雄传 and watched with dar at home..

Sun: went Air force open house with my bro-in-law, the two little ones and dar..
nothing much too see except for the aircraft... was quite excited over the aircraft luckdraw.. lucky winners can get a ride with the air craft.. too bad we are not that lucky plus little nephew is tired..cos too excited and wake up too early. went marina sq to sell my CDs and walk ard and headed home..

*My little Nephew and Niece*
had dinner at Bukit Gombak
亚弟鱼头炉.. my fav stall that used to be near my house the coffeeshop there.. shifted to Bukit Gombak about 3 mths ago.. yummy nice.. slept all the way from 6plus till 11pm.. watch 《射雕》with dar again and finally went back to sleep at 12.45pm.
that's my weekend. nah...
busy from mon - wed.. and finally my half day off again tomorrow.. at least got something to happy with... be meet ex-aviva colleagues for dinner tomorrow.. venue will be at The Heeren, Pasta De Waraku. Looking forward to it. =)
had my trip confirmation already.. setting of on 25th nite and back on 28th. Intinerary all planned. Though it's just a short trip but i'm still happy.. at least at rest (n_n)
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