Happy New Year everyone..
Wishing everyone a smooth 2010 ahead
Didnt go anywhere on the eve of New year. Meet dar at PS after work, had dessert at Ice Monster, walked around and headed home.

Nua at dar's place watching SCV Taiwan countdown.. was think going to vivo but too lazy. about 11pm, we decided to go Vivo.. as usual, human traffic there. Everyone heading to the top to watch the firework from siloso beach. We went long john to buy some food and find a place to settle down at level 2 outside. The security are quite good over there, only one way leading to the top level cos vivo has many way to go to the top level. cant really see the fireworks from vivo anyway only a little bit. Home sweet home after that. That's how I spent my countdown.
random pic
our last pic taken in year 2009 and first pic in year 2010.
(actually just less then an hour apart)

Went bugis for dinner yesterday. We just had steamboat just last week and i miss steamboat again.. wanna eat 中华火锅.拉面 at Liang seah street but too many people already. In the end we settled down at 鲜得来. abit expensive to me but take into the account that no need to walk here and there to take food then still ok. Just need to take order with the menu they provided.

辣子鸡荡 for me and 排骨荡 for dar

love the 辣子鸡 so much. Personally i still prefer the 辣子鸡 from 辣妹子 steamboat. more spicy and free serving till finish while 鲜得来 one is come with it when you order the 辣子鸡 soupbase.

Happy Eating.. I just love steamboat!!!

Photo print taken at Bugis..
Like this cos $11 bucks!
We only take once a year cos expensive la plus will cherish it more cos seldom take this kind of pics. :)

bought these items at Sasa today.
like the BB cream shimmering effects.. hope the effects looks good on face.
Palgantong eyeliner! super black and come along with pearl white eyeliner too =D

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