It has been a week since didi enlisted.
Kinda of miss him.. Cos he will always be the one accompany me when dar is using com (gaming of cos)...
Work is as usual.. .. never ending "L4" >.<
one of favourite KOI drink, Oolong Milk Tea with 25% sugar

U can see how happy I am with KOI drink.. LOL

Somehow it made me happier or maybe that day is Friday =D
Wanna share with "smelly" too.. wahaha

Watched Karate Kid on Saturday with dar.. free tickets from Safra when Dar renewal his Safra Card.. Overall not bad. Except that.. there is this uncle kept talking during the movie.. though not VERY loud but can hear lor.. quite irritated him :/
Office got movie event this Thursday and the show is Karate Kid.. sad lor.. cos the other choice is Toy Story 3 and Prince of Persia.. and I voted for Toy Story 3.. Hopefully it is not compulsory....
Bought this dress @ Joop sales. Only $29.90 =D

I wanted to buy so much the first time I saw the dress.. lucky didnt buy cos the usual price is $69.90 which I think is expensive for this.. HEE
Some eyelid tapes online I bought from an overseas website, JpMon.. Services quite good cos it reached me very fast.. :) So with these tapes, I can make my eyes more define with alot of practice using it...

Free gift from JpMon
Eyeshadow and lippie in 4 different colors

Was thinking of cutting my hair short.. and the length I wanted is very short.. something like Claire

feedback gotten... some encourage; some NO.. ESPECIALLY Dar.. My hair like his hair like into argument jus becos of cutting away my hair.. funny right
Haiz.. Dunno how.. Feel like to cut so much and yet super scare that I will regret cos it will take me a very long long time to grow back. Dilemma state -_-"