That feeling just makes me wanna faster bath, eat and rest..
Suddenly noticed the bathroom door was closed.. was wondering why when Dad and Aunt are all outside..
Guess what happen when I on the light and push open the door...
One huge cockroach inside to toilet and scare the hell of me!
Shouting for daddy to help me catch the bloody cockroach but daddy just ignore me and busy playing his game. -_-" WTH
Asking Aunt where is the baygon and she goes "huh"... Super angry. Arrghh
And I began my mini tantrum...
Slamming the door here and there and have to go buy it myself.

Back from minimart with the big bottle of Baygone and noticed someone cleared it for me already.. Dont understand why i need to throw my tantrum then they will help me to get rid of it. This is not the first time also. =(
Thought everything is over and I went back to bedroom to change the bedsheets before going bath. Just about I stepped into the bathroom and I saw this...

WTH right... wao lao... where got people do things do half way... leaving down the dead pest for me to clear!!! In the end, I have to spent 20-30min to clear the dead cockroach by washing it down the "drain" pipe, washed and scrub the toilet with Dettol. :(
Envy those people who got parents to help them to get rid of "ka ka".....
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