Tuesday, June 26, 2007

*bu kai xin?*

hv not been blogging almost a week le...
nothing special going on...

not very happy today...
'he' told me something this afternon which make me feel upset
why so traditional thinking?
or maybe it jus so much of difference in the backgrounds?
i'm sad...
why is it so difficult??
is it really true that happy moments is always that short?
or am i jus been negative thinking like wad 'he' said??
i really don like THAT word and yet
i was been force to learn to love THAT word....
nothing to say...


didi & I chatted today...
realized we got about the same thinking...
small details means alot to us..
u know???


Anonymous said...

eat donuts. they can cheer you up!

Unknown said...

how come so upset?? cheer up okie..

Starlight kisses said...

lolz.. thanks friends..
hee.. when are we meeting?