down with flu n sore throat..
gg no voice.. was on MC today.. see my medicine..
Sianz.. so many kinds
something happen today..this mis-leading sms:
"Try giving me your attention and all i return
wil be ignorance and words that make u speechless
and hurt"
this sms really hurted me alot alot..
there's wound in my heart..
wad does the sender trying to say?
sender said i mis-interpret the message..
wad does it mean when u see this sms?
sometimes i jus dun like sms-es..
mis-interpretation and mis-leading..
To the sender:
we have cleared the so call mis-understanding..
let's dun make each other upset again ok..
PLEASE leave comment when u see this..
i want to know what is in your mind..
went for something important yesterday...
cant say what is it now...
will announce when everything is ok..
To pinky & niki:
when are we meeting up?
wanna go shopping, drink coffee...
miss u all so much..
sure got lots of things to said when we meet up
Pinky aka princess lim..
heard from kelly that your class starting soon..
in July..
we very long din go KTV le..
when? when? can ask kelly along too..
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