i have said in my previous post that i am targeting to leave on the dot on friday... but u know what happen? I cant!!!
supposed to meet benny they all 7.30pm at settlers cafe but at 8.30pm, i'm still in office.. sobz
i'm so sad and angry... reason is becos i'm actually off on saturday which is yesterday and onleave on monday (tomorrow)... so i have to clear my work before hand... otherwise, i'll be damn busy on tuesday... still, i didnt managed to clear my work and had to go back to office yesterday... plus... it seems like no one will be able to help much in my works.. anyway.. i reached settlers cafe i think ard 9.15-9.30pm... i almost tell them that i couldnt make it there le... though reached late but still i had lots of fun with my dearest friends giving me sweet surprises... they actually celebrated my birthday for me... so sweet of them... they said the cake is bought for me specially from benny... lolz.. i wondering how true is it... bwahahaha... thanks alot my dear friends *hugz* little presents from them too.. and a additional personal one from benny... *cute* my favourite strawberry mirror and notebook... (n_n) thank you very much all... *fun*
so.. saturday.. went back to work then headed back to dar's house.. rest for afew hours and went to meet alex and team (colleagues) at kallang with dar... afew of them cant make it... anw, we had korean steamboat at a place called '大长今'... orangized by my boss, alex.. to gather and also celebrate our birthday.. 2 birthday girls (Iris and myself) and 1 birthday boy (my boss!). lol... went to one of our ex-colleague, vincent's pub after dinner... end at ard 1am plus.. dar and i went for supper at geylang.. had beancurd at 油条大王 and head home...*fun*
*alex and vincent, pub boss* *iris, me and crystal*
*Lawrence* *me and dar (again, the funny face of him)*
today...eve of my birthday... kekeke... went to sis's house... there are my 2 dear, wendy and raymond with their darlings and my sis family... they too... celebrated my birthday with me... dinner was fantastic... shrimp paste chicken, chilli chicken, tofu with egg and seaweed soup, salad and my fav broccoli. *yummy* ... *fun*
overall... putting work aside, i had a happy happy weekend with my friends and family... with them celebrating my birthday... i felt so 幸福... thank you my dearest friends..* hugz*
am on leave tomorrow.. gonna watch Lust, Caution with dar... heard that the story line is quite good.. let see how is it ba...
gonna zzz le... nitez.
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