And also marked our anniversary. =)
didnt went countdown yesterday cos dun want to get involve in human traffic plus dar was down with flu again.
had ice-cream at Haagen-Dazs and watched yes man at vivo. walked home from vivo after movie.
Dinner at The Manhatthan Fish Market...
Ordered our usual Seafood platte..hearts the flaming prawns.. =D
Dun really like the service served by a trainee today.
dar called one of the girl to take order and while dar was saying the orders, the girl asked him to wait.. and guess what? she was clicking on the mobile.. then took paper out to take our order after finish her personal stuff... what kind of service is this? wanted to feedback but dar stopped me.. said today 01st day of 2009 so forget it... -_-"
anw...forget it..
2008 had ended and it's a new year again.
In year 2009, i want to...
earn more money
save more money
be more patience
stay healthy and dun put on more weight
learn to control dont flare anger so often at dar
and lastly
hopefully things will get better at work.
May 2009 bring happiness, wealth, health and most important.. peace.
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