no badminton today cos dar didnt buy shuttlecock...

caught Iron Man @ Cineleisure with dar, douglas and his friends....
The 3D representations is stunning.. highly recommended to watch.. dont miss it..
It's well worth its ticket price...
Personal Rating given 8 out of 10...
had an early supper at River valley area after movie.. dar and douglas's friend, gy, ordered Chicken Biryani... and when they are eating halfway... gy noticed that there is a bunch of pandan leaves in his biryani.. so he took out and put it one side.. no one notice anything until i so "bo liao" till i play with it and realised something... they used rubber band to sercure the pandan leaves!!!
aiyo.. Can you imagine they cooked the chicken/biryani rice together with the pandan leaves with rubberband.. and is those red colour kind of rubberband... yucks..
am so unlucky today..
first is at swimming pool this morning... there are two guys swimming my opposite direction... i was trying to give way to them since they are swimming in freestyle.. but one at my left another at my right.. how to give way?so, in the end, i stay in the middle of the two.. and guess what happen? one of the stupid dumb dumb's hand hit on my head and still can cont to swim!! *angry* and i wasnt very expert in swimming and am in deep pool... choked myself and nearly no breath to swim back... =(
second, is i lost my ez-link card for the 3rd time since last january.. =(
damn sad... cos it's the new ez-link card i recently just bought it.. still got a balance of thirty over... think ard $37 plus... sob..
what a sway day i have today. mmm...
anyway, finally gotten the clothes that i bought online with pretty angel... but is with crystal now as she is the one who went to collect the items... the bad still got to wait.. thanks ya crystal... =) heard from her that the quality quite gd la... so maybe i will order more... cant wait to see the items.. hee
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