History of Vesak Day (took from wikipedia)
The decision to agree to celebrate Vesak as the Buddha’s birthday was formalized at the first Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists held in Sri Lanka in 1950, although festivals at this time in the Buddhist world are a centuries-old tradition. The Resolution that was adopted at the World Conference reads as follows:
That this Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, while recording its appreciation of the gracious act of His Majesty, the Maharaja of Nepal in making the full-moon day of Vesak a Public Holiday in Nepal, earnestly requests the Heads of Governments of all countries in which large or small number of Buddhists are to be found, to take steps to make the full-moon day in the month of May a Public Holiday in honour of the Buddha, who is universally acclaimed as one of the greatest benefactors of Humanity.
On Vesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate events of significance to Buddhists of all traditions: The birth, enlightenment and the passing away of Gautama Buddha. As Buddhism spread from India it was assimilated into many foreign cultures, and consequently Vesak is celebrated in many different ways all over the world.
really didnt go anywhere today... it's only when i need to deposit cash in my POSB acct then hv to go all the way to LOT1 there to deposit.. cos the CDM at Yew Tee Branch is out of services...
anyw.. went walk around at LOT1.. bought this at watson...
Loreal Perfect Slim Pro-Massage: Intensive anti-cellulite massage system
Coolz.. The massage rollers is great...It massage in a kneading strokes. The intentsive massage help to encourage tissue drainage and improve the appearance cellulite... After the massage.. the next step is to apply the gel.. and good thing is the gel is not sticky... =) good buy.
Did own cooking at home today..
wanton soup and wanton soup with small bites...=)
overall still taste nice.. hee
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